Grußkarte Muttertag Happy Mother´s Day Mother´s Day Mother´sday Muttertag 1 Muttertag Grußkarte nächstes Bild

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Weiter zum Foto Grusskarte-Muttertag Happy Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring mothers in the May. Fotografie von Lothar Seifert Weiter zum Foto Mothers-Day

Happy Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring mothers in the May.

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09.05.2013 Jimmy Rikesh zum Bild Happy Mother’s Day   Bewertung: 5 ★★★★★    Keine Homepage
On the second Sunday in May is an international Mother's Day. On this Sunday, you can tell your mother thank you. A very lot of people in the world do this with greetings and small gifts.

I wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day!

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